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Laughing Falcon, predator of snakes

You can see the Laughin Falcon in Acosta and region. (ADILIO ZELEDÓN TO EL JORNAL).

(SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA, 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2018-EL JORNAL). These days, followers of this article have call me asking for information about strange bird song noisy, mainly performed in the afternoon, around San Ignacio town. They sent to me some records of the song.

It does not difficult for identification, because I was hearing it too in the afternoon, close to San Ignacio town and vicinity. The bird song is the voice of “Guaco” or “Laughing Falcon” (Herpetotheres cachinnans).

Plumage of this Falcon is similar between male and female; most of body white to buff, wings brown and tail black banded with white. A road black mask covering cheeks and eyes. Bill and claws strong.

It prefers broken forest, edges, second growth and fields of crop. Fly slowly and perches on exposed branches with clear view of surroundings. Scanning ground looking for snakes even Coral Snake, its main food.

Common name comes from onomatopoeia “Gua-co” same that is performed by a couple, also it emits a rhythm serial of loud, hollow notes like human laughing, so it is called “Laughing Falcon” too.

This specie gives important anthropogenic features, due to its feed as snake predator, besides some human credence’s say that if it emits voice from a dry branch is not rain, on the contrary if it is emitted from a green branch is going to rain.

Laughing Falcon is a beautiful specie like bird of our region, that emblazon our forest and fields, helps to control poisonous snakes and gives gigs for hearing.

Come to enjoy the bird of Caraigres Region, a new space with a variety of species for birding. 

Ornithological tourism / ICT license 2324


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