(SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA, 23 DE AGOSTO, 2018-EL JORNAL). Visiting the Tiquires zone for birding, because it is one of the places with more diversity for it in the region. Making a stop in the road in “Boquete” place, we can watch the mountains and forest that we are going to come through and hear the birds around.
Being rapt about landscape offered by the place from there, suddenly we heard a singular song. Quickly we began to look for where it is coming from. Soon, birder from group could get the bird that performed the song.
Perched on a lonely branch, was a medium size flame-colored bird, that unceasingly repeated a sharp call. It was a Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata).
Flame-colored Tanager is known with popular name as “Cardenal”, male and female differ between them in color. Male head, neck and underparts orange-red where head is more brilliant. Wing and tail dusky with white wing-bars. Female yellowish-olive, tail and wings like male. Young resembles adult female but duller.
In pairs or with mixed flocks, Cardenal frequents treetops in mountain forest, neighboring shady pastures and open areas. It feeds on insects, seeds and fruits.
Birds like Tanager are the family that offer us the most splendorous colors of the American bird life. Preserved Tropical Wet Forest in this region hold a diversity of birds like these, so these help to the forest grows up and keep greener, besides, birders we can go outdoor around there for learn and enjoy from them in their natural habitat.
Caraigres region offers places to birders an option for enjoying the most marvelous birds of the tropical forest from our country near San Jose City.
Ornithology tourism /ICT license 2423